The Rewind Technique

The Rewind Technique is a tried-and-tested hypnotherapy approach to treating trauma and phobias.
For many years, severe anxiety-based conditions such as the effects of trauma or phobias were considered treatable only through long, painful exposure therapy, and in some cases, not at all.
Now, thankfully, we have access to a comfortable, effective treatment that can greatly reduce, and sometimes even remove, traumatic or phobic symptoms quickly.
Although research into the Rewind Technique is still in its infancy, one study carried out by the Human Givens Institute in the UK showed the following results:
Study size: 30 people
40% of clients rated rewind as extremely successful;
53% rated it as successful
7% rated it as acceptable.
No one rated the Rewind Technique poor or as a failure.
Prior to rewind, on average, clients rated their well being as 12 out of 50.
Seven to 10 days after treatment, the average score was 30.3 out of 50.
Three to six months later, the average score was 32.2.
This represents an improvement of 167.4 per cent on their original ratings.
A four-year study carried out within NOVA (part of the Barnardo’s charity) showed similarly impressive results:
Study size: 47 people, 57% of whom treated with Rewind alone.
26 would have met the criteria for PTSD.
After treatment none of the forty-seven people treated met the criteria for PTSD.
There was also a significant reduction of all sub symptoms associated with PTSD. Five categories had zero reports after treatment.
(Human Given journal Volume 14, No 4- 2007)
Many people with trauma or phobias have been treated using approaches which drag them back through the experience again; a highly unpleasant thing to have to do. This does not happen with the Rewind, and I do not in fact even need to know the details of what happened to you.Using the relaxing state of hypnosis combined with the non-invasive approach of The Rewind Technique, your trauma and phobia can be approached in a calm and focused manner.
So if you suffer from a trauma or phobia and would like to approach it with hypnotherapy, please give me a call on 07472 134824 and I can tell you anything else you need to know.
For additional information about The Rewind Technique please take a look at:
What follows is a brief account of a one session application of The Rewind Technique with a client I worked with recently. Permission from the client was given to publish his story..
Ben (name changed to protect the identity of client) had been working as a security guard when he witnessed the aftermath of a suicide. A young man had jumped off a warehouse roof and, although Ben had not seen the actual moment of the suicide, he was traumatised by the sight of the damaged body.
Ben’s initial reaction was one of shock which resulted in an understandable inaction on his part. This in turn impacted on the traumatised memory with an overriding sense of guilt that he hadn’t been able to help the young man who was still alive at that time but died shortly afterwards.
When Ben came to see me, almost 6 years after the incident, he reported experiencing some common patterns of trauma – vivid memories as if they had happened very recently; avoidance of anything which might trigger any recall – in this case watching any graphic scenes of accidents or operations on TV and the strong emotional component of guilt was still present.
After listening to Ben, I concluded that The Rewind Technique was an appropriate intervention for his trauma and during one hypnotherapy session I carried out the procedure. The Rewind Technique is known for its gentle approach. It can be used for trauma and phobias without increasing stress or re-traumatising a client. Forty-five minutes later, Ben stated that the memories, although still available, had lost their vivid nature and felt more distant. He was also able to recall the time without a strong emotional content.
When I saw Ben a week later, he said he felt calm about recalling that incident and the sense of guilt was no longer with him.
He had also “tested” his level of arousal towards scenes of blood and physical injury by watching a considerable number of episodes of Grey’s Anatomy – a TV show set in a hospital emergency ward. Previously he said he would have had to look away from the screen during critical moments with revulsion; now he reported a quite understandable sense of mild squeamishness at some moments but they were far from unbearable.